The Ice Thickness Condition Map

The sites (reported as of 1/27/11):

6: Honeoye Lake (Neptune's Bar)
            2/6/13: 6" of ice.
               1/27/11:10.5" to 11" of good ice with a trace to 3" of snow on top. Access is fine.
                1/19/11:9.5" and building with plowable snow on top and good access.
                12/31/10:7"-9" of ice with some snow on top.
                12/31/10:7"-8" and very little snow.
                2/24/10:no go. slush fest and no measurment (i wanted to keep my feet dry) lanch ramp has standing water on it.
                2/18/10: 9" near the ramp, 10" further out and most likely 12" if you go out far enough. It also has snow with a wet slushy base, so it is not useable this weekend.
                2/10/10: 9" to 11" of ice with about 2" of light fluffy snow.
                2/3/10: 8" to 11" mostly 10" , bad access.
                1/28/10: Damaged access, so no measurements taken.
                1/20/10: Honeoye has 8" to 9" and a light dusting of snow.
                1/11/10: 10" of good ice with a little light fluffy snow that at this point would not require plowing.
                3/4/09: Honeoye is 11" no snow, bad access.
                2/19/09: Honeoye is 11" and bad access at the moment. Should be good by next week.
                2/4/09: 13" to 15" with hard packed snow on top, but last week's track is still intact and needs no snow removal.
                1/30/09: 12 to 14" of ice with 3" of light, fluffy snow on top.
                1/18/09: 9" to 10" of ice, with not enough snow to need a plow.
                12/10/07: Light skim of ice over the whole north end. South of the marina and Honeoye Inn, it's mostly along the shores, out about 50-150 yds.
                3/2/07: Plenty of ice, but no access.
                2/7/07: 9" of ice with light snow cover.
                2/1/07: No report.
                1/22/07: No report.
                1/8/07: Idyllic water. Not an ice crystal in sight.
                2/2/06: No report.
                1/29/06: No report.
                5/26/05: No ice to be found.
                2/24/05: 9" to 10" or good, solid black ice, with about an inch of snow. Promising for next week if temps are cold...
                2/17/05: A disgusting 7" to 8"
                2/4/05: Most likely about 8" or so with lots of snow on top

5: Waneta Lake (Waneta Lake Inn)         Waneta Lake web cam
            2/6/13: 7" of great ice and appears to be making about 2" every 3 days.
                1/27/11:12" to 14" of good ice with about 6" of snow. Last weekend's course is in good shape, but we may make a new one anyway. Access is still good.
                1/20/11:12" to 12.5" of good ice with a little bit of plowable snow on top. Tiny bit of slush that will definitely heal up with tonight's temperature drop.
                12/31/10:10.5"-11.25"of good ice with blowing and drifting snow on top.The snow varies from 2" to 8" drifts.
                1/5/11: 8.75" of perfect ice. There is a problem at the access that has to do with land not water or ice. I have arranged for it to be fixed.
                12/22/10: 7" on Waneta. Perfect ice, except for the depth.
                2/24/10: 12" of good ice with a thin layer of slush on top
                2/18/10: 12" of good ice, nothing extra, with a little more snow than last weekend, but still plowable in that there is no slush.
                2/10/10: 12" with about 2" of snow average.
                2/3/10: 11.5" to 11.75", great access, great surface, with a light dusting of snow.
                1/28/10: Waneta has 10.5" of perfectly noisy and clear ice. The access is not great at the moment but it will heal in a couple of days. There is also an additional access point at the same location that is in pristine condition.
                1/20/10: Waneta has good access, 11" to 11.75" with light dusting and a few random punky spots.
                1/11/10: 10" to 11" of beautiful ice with very little snow.
                1/4/10: 5" of clear ice measured 25' from shore, north east side. Some areas had an additional 2" of snow ice (Bad stuff).
                3/4/09: Waneta Lake is 9" , no snow, good access.
                2/25/09: Waneta is a 12" thick skating rink. There is one snow drift at the access, otherwise it is snow free and quite noisy. Even a little noisier than last week.
                2/18/09: 12.5" of good ice, no snow so far.
                2/4/09: 11" to 13" with a couple of inches of hard-packed snow on top.
                1/30/09: 11" to 12" with 3-6" of snow on top.
                1/21/09: Between 9" and 11" depending on where you measure. Where there is 9" there is about 5" of snow and where there is 11" there is about 2" of snow, no wet spots.
                1/20/09: 10" of ice with some places having water on top.
                1/8/09: 6" of ice
                3/1/08: 9.5-10" of black ice, 4" of snow on top.
                2/22/08: 9" of nice, black ice, 1.5" of snow on top.
                2/15/08: 8" of nice, black ice, 4" of snow on top.
                3/2/07: 15" of good solid ice, 1" water on top, no snow. Access still good as of Friday morning.
                2/14/07: 12" of good solid ice with little snow on top.
                2/7/07: 9" of good solid ice with little snow on top.
                2/1/07: Believed to be the same as Cayuta (no actual measurement.)
                1/22/07: Frozen over, still thin.
                1/8/07: Ice would be nice. Yep, would be.
                2/2/06: The ice fishermen are afraid to go out. Guess that means driving out in a car wouldn't be the thing to do.
                1/29/06: No report.
                5/26/05: No ice. not even an errant burg. Something should be done.
                3/19/05: 13" to 14" of ice. The access is not a moat (yet.)
                3/16/05: 14.5" to 15" of good ice with 1.5" of dry snow.
                3/9/05: 14.5" to 15" of good ice.
                2/24/05: 12" to 12.5" with 3" to 4" of snow on top.
                2/17/05: 10" to 11" with slush.
                2/4/05: 10" to 11" with 6" of snow. The surface under the virgin snow is perfect, but who knows what the surface under the snomobiled snow is like

3: Otisco Lake (Ryfun's Restaurant)
            1/27/11:10" - 11" of ice with 8" of snow and some slush.
                1/20/11:9" of ice, 6" of snow and a bit of slush on surface.
                12/31/10:8" of ice with 8-10" of snow.
                1/5/11: Open water north of causeway.7" south of causeway with 6" of fluffy snow.
                2/18/10: 12" out on the race area.The access has 10".There is wind compacted, drifted snow from 6" to 10" deep on the surface. .
                2/10/10: 13" of good hard ice with 6" of snow.
                2/3/10: 8.5" of ice.
                1/15/10: 7" of ice, 6" of snow.
                2/18/09: 12" on the lake with 14" at a good access and no snow.
                1/22/09: No report.
                12/10/07: For what its worth, Otisco is quite frozen and has been for two weeks now.
                3/2/07: 14-16" of good ice, 1" of water on top, no snow. Access still good.
                2/22/07: 12-16" of good ice, slushy on top but not much snow. Access slushy.
                2/14/07: 10-12" of good ice, about a foot of snow on top.
                2/8/07: 10-11" of good ice, almost no snow on top.
                2/1/07: No report.
                1/22/07: Frozen over but thin, according to rumor.
                1/8/07: Jet ski weather. Ice? I don't think so.
                1/29/06: No report.
                5/26/05: Sadly, no ice at all.
                3/16/05: Thickness unknown, with much snow and slush on top.
                2/25/05: 10" with a couple inches of snow.
                2/18/05: 9.5 to 10" of very nice pure black ice and building
                2/17/05: Close to 12", but with 6" of water on top.
                2/4/05: 10" to 11" with 6" of snow and good ice surface underneath

1: Sandy Pond (The Wigwam)
            2/4/09: Way too many ice fishermen, and way too many natural jumps made out of snow that has been well packed by the snowmobiles.
                1/22/09: No report.
                2/7/07: Snow too deep to check (over three feet!)
                2/1/07: No report.
                1/22/07: No report.
                1/8/07: Splish, splash. No ice. None.
                1/29/06: No report.
                5/26/05: No ice. None.
                3/3/05: 11" of ice. Access is "bad" (which usually means very deep drifts and/or lousy ice at the shoreline.
                2/24/05: There might be ice, but there's no way to tell as the access has been "obliterated" (which probably means a surplus of liquid ice...)
                2/18/05: 6"to 8" of ice is it. Maybe 10" in some spots if you squint.
                2/4/05: Matted snow cover on top of 8"

2: Oneida Lake (Sylvan Beach)       Oneida Lake North Shore webcam
            2/24/10:Sylvan Beach has 13" of ice and 6" to 10" of slushy snow.
                2/5/10: 13" to 14" of ice with 4" - 6" of snow.
                2/18/09: 12" to 15" mostly 13" of good ice with good access. No snow
                2/4/09: Plenty of ice and decent access, but too much hard-packed snow to plow easily.
                1/30/09: 12" solid ice, with 8-10" of hard-packed snow on top.
                1/20/09: 9-10-1/2" solid water on top and 2" of snow.
                2/1/07: No report.
                1/22/07: No report.
                1/8/07: Water, water, everywhere...
                2/22/06: If snowmobiles are falling through, it ain't a good sign...
                1/29/06: No report.
                5/26/05: Not a bit of ice.
                3/3/05: Access remains poor.
                2/24/05: Many inches of water and slush at the access. There may be ice, but without access it can't be used.
                2/18/05: 9 to 10 also. Better luck next week.
                2/4/05: 5" to 12" with slush and snow cover

4: Cayuta Lake (The Great Outdoors)
            1/22/09: No report.
                2/7/07: 9" of good solid ice with little snow on top.
                2/1/07: 6" of good solid ice.
                1/22/07: No report.
                1/8/07: Served neat (no ice, thank you.).
                1/29/06: No report.
                5/26/05: Completely iceless, more's the pity.
                2/4/05: 10" to 11" Bad access road and parking area, and lots of snow on the surface that has mixed with the ice

Other places:
            12/26/10: 5" plus at Deruyter Res. and still building. Some ice on Fairhaven, but I havn't ventured out on it yet.

Dedicated, hard working ice checkers:

Sandy Pond: Nick Julian
Otisco: Rex n Jef
Cayuta: Casey Creamer
Waneta: Casey Creamer, Paul Schelling, Ed Tucker
Honeoye: Kurt Thiel
Oneida: Rex n Jef

If you've got ice thicknesses to report, click here.